Bible Revelation 01:01~09 English v.s Runes

Bible Revelation  Αποκάλυψη του Ιωάννη   01:01~09   English version The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw--that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father--to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. Look, he is c...

核能是不是乾淨能源?nuclear energy到底怎麼了?核能好無辜?

關於乾淨能源nuclear energy,身為一個理科生,實在是看不下去了,忍不住來科普。火力發電真的不錯嘛?!本人不是什麼菁英,但是不想要真相被含糊帶過。


下列幾種renewable energy,也是被本人吐槽到不行。

   US energy information administration 2018

太陽能:可以轉換成電能和熱,藉由photovoltaic effect, 以目前的太陽能技術轉換效率,電能部分只有25.1%,熱只有23.6%。。。還會受到太陽位置,天候影響(沒太陽?),有時候甚至會有灰塵,鳥屎遮蓋panel,panel的成本也很高啊。

風能:藉由turbine動能,產生電。就像是風車。 不過這個很看上天的臉色,風伯伯是不是經常出現,建廠的土地,儲電設備,還有維護成本太高。會影響附近的生態,還有出現噪音?!(一般不都是要蓋在人煙稀少的地方麼??)要是夏日沒有風怎麼辦呢??效率是只有34.6%,貌似怎麼想想都不划算吧。


biomass: 使用方法就是簡單粗暴-燃燒吧!biomass能產生效率高達61.8%,來自於各種的植物動物的副產品(byproduct)


下次US energy information administration再次update的data,是2020一月底,可以參考一下2019年的info。有興趣的各位可以持續的追蹤。

以2018年的nuclear energy 效能不錯高達92.3%在美國核能可以供給至少20%電力經過集中妥善深地質處置也有一定的成本不過至少效率高嘛屬於乾淨能源根據Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies核能釋放出的放射物質比其他的都來得低反而是煤炭含有的uranium and thorium火力發電造成燃燒的煤炭 byproduct -fly ash放射物質比核能來得高還造成空氣污染??!

然後掩埋灰燼後,附近的水源和土地,what?竟然有放射污染,這意料之外。。看起來很驚悚。。。,萬萬沒想到?顛覆性的事實,這結果和說好的劇本不一樣啊,結局反轉十分精彩與刺激。其實這也不是什麼新聞了。2007年在scientific American就有相關的article。再來看看火力煤炭發電,效率只有53.6%,並且造成化學致癌物,空汙(air pollution)沒想過要對它抱有什麼幻想和期待了。就像是女神/男神在你面前挖鼻屎,反差對比的驚悚。



by the heart of ocean

關鍵字:核能nuclear energy,技術technology,火力發電,核能,綠能


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