Bible Revelation 01:01~09 English v.s Runes

Bible Revelation  Αποκάλυψη του Ιωάννη   01:01~09   English version The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw--that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father--to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. Look, he is c...



除了古埃及的象形文字hieroglyph,一股来自东方的什么神秘力量,代表中华文化的古代汉字-甲骨文oracle bone script。

在清朝末年,有个学者发现买回来的“龙骨”上有“神秘字符”,他推测这是古代的文字。之后,在殷墟也后续出土了更多的甲骨片(龟)。而这些文字是被用来记录卜辞。因为商朝人特别的崇拜神学(迷信)。 大小事都要占卜 。 当时也有专门作占卜的官员。


采 collect, gain
果 fruit
栗 chestnut
东 east

西 west
南 south
  Chinese cauldron
白 white
凤 Phoenix
风 wind

万 10thousands( was scorpion)
鸟 bird

莫 none

齐 even, uniform

帝 emperor 

王 king

丝 silk

冬 winter

雷 thunder

电 lightening (electricity)


单 individual

带 ribbon, tape

端 end, tip

磬 stone chimes


火 fire

雀 sparrow; bird

鹿 deer

角 horn

矢 arrow

车 car

斗 compete

督 supervise, direct

望 observe, watch

桑 mulberry tree

龋 tooth decay

辛 suffering, spicy

声 sound
土 earth
图 picture

文 script, texture
酒 alcoholic drink

药 medicine
身 body
闻 hear, listen
姬 beauty, surname
秦 surname, dynasty
裘 surname, fur coat
岁 year
霍 suddenly, surname
解 split, surname

奚 servant
尧 emperor yao 
若 surname, as if, obedient 
殷(金文)great, surname, dynasty
柳 willow
申 extend, stretch 
子 child, master, surname
光 light, glory
易 modify, surname, the book of changes
冥 night, dark
幽 dim, concealed, quiet
寅 respect, third of 12 earthly branches
alcoholic drink vessel,tenth of twelve earthly branches
蜀 a state in 3 kingdoms,Sichuan
耳 ear
取 take,obtain
我 I, me

龜 tortoise
尊 respect,venerate,
史 history


乘 ascend,ride
虹 rainbow
異 unusual, uncommon, different

辰 fifth of twelve earthly branches,stars

戒 to warn; to admonish
余 me, fourth month of Chinese calendar, surname
世(金文)generation, period, era, epoch, world
臣 courtier,surname
喜 happy, pleased, joyful
眉 eyebrows
赤bared, red, loyal
令 order, command, surname
對 true, right, paired
休 rest, relax, surname
昏 twilight, dark, confused
笔 writing brush, pen
学comprehend, learn, study
壺 kettle, flask, 
type of artificially cultivated toxic insect
鼓 drum

戈 dagger-axe, surname
服 wear, serve
舞 dance
乳 breastfeed, milk 
骑 ride
左 left

右 right
直 straight, linear
既 since, then 
叶 leaf
商 business, quotient, Chinese pentatonic scale, dynasty
卫 guard, surname
熊 bear, surname

冉 proceed gradually,tender,surname
之 this, these

丧 funeral, sorrow

省 omit, reduce, surname

驶 drive, sail

涉 involved, ford stream
老 old, aged
责 demand, ask
栽 cultivate
贞 faithful, pure, loyal, virtuous 
初 original, initial, beginning

心 heart

午 noon
滋 cause, taste, grow
血 blood

乎 at, on, with

封 block, cover, seal
雹 hail

姓 surname

允 fair, permit, allow, equitable, impartial
晕 halo

朕 I, omen

the tenth of the ten heavenly stems (天干),surname

各 each

襄 assist, surname 甲骨文和金文
爵 drinking vessel ,feudal title


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Bible Revelation 01:01~09 English v.s Runes